New Space Address : JL Kelenteng 32 , Bandung 40182 , Indonesia

NOTE : saat ini kami hanya menerima tamu by appointment. Harap membuat appointment via WA +62 811 2121 860


Hallo Semua ! 

Kami ingin menginfokan untuk perubahan lokasi showroom Tokoencit. Alamat kami pindah ke : JL Kelenteng 32 , Bandung 40182 , Indonesia. 

Sehubungan dengan pindah nya lokasi showroom yang terpisah dari gudang , maka semua order di showroom tidak bisa di bawa di hari yang sama dan akan dikirim ke alamat maksimal H+2 dari order. 


Office & Store hour tetap sama : 

Senin - Jumat Jam 09.00- 16.00

Sabtu Jam 09.00-14.00

Tutup di hari Minggu & libur nasional.  


Hi Everyone ! 

Recently we have moved to a new space downtown Bandung. Our new address : Jl Kelenteng 32 , Bandung 40182 , West Java , Indonesia. Do take note of our new address for mail and visit related stuffs. 

As now our showroom and warehouse are located at different place thus all order placed at showroom will be shipped to your address within 1-2 days.


No change in Opening Hours :

Monday - Friday 09.00-16.00

Saturday 09.00-14.00

Close on Sunday and Public Holiday


Though as Covid-19 is currently still around in Indonesia, we encourage you to shop online from our website , find new fabric updates everyday dears !